How To Create Basic Wedding Updos

The first thing to remember with all wedding updos, is don't wash your hair!

Now, please don't go to extreme measures like these eco-warrior types, and get to the stage where you've got small insects orbitting your head. You can wash it about 24 hours before creating the updo, this allows the natural hair oils to build up ensuring the shape will hold.

Next you (or better still, your mom... come on, that's what they're there for) should brush the hair thoroughly. Come on mom's, put your back into it! I don't want to see any knots or tangles by the time you've finished! If you've got some hair straightners you (mom) should then get cracking on straightening, the best technique is to divide the hair into sections and attack each part seperately.

When mom starts moaning from back ache, perhaps give her a 5 minute break. No longer or she'll start getting comfortable. Next instruct her to brush your hair again, if you get any back chat, threaten no more breaks and she'll soon jump into action. It should be brushed from the hairline into a ponytail high in the middle of the crown. Secure it with a band that is the same color as your hair.

Lift the ponytail up vertically, smoothing the hair while holding the base, keeping it tight. Depending on how much of a greaseball you are, you might need additional gel if your hair is particularly slippery.

Carefully twist the top half of the ponytail clockwise into a bun. Once you and mom are happy with the size, it will need to be pinned securely to the scalp. Making sure the hairpins aren't visible, work from one side of the fan and pin the strands. It's important the bun should look soft and floppy with these kind of wedding updos.

Once you have the bun in place, you may pull strands from the hairline to form tendrils. These can add character to a simple updo. Almost finished, just ensure the bun is in place by spraying down with hair spray.

You are free to attach additional accessories onto the bun such as tiaras or headbands.

Now that wasn't too bad, was it? congratulate mom on a job well done (after she's cooked your supper!)

Now, this was just a basic wedding updo explained, Over the years I've used a whole range of exciting and glamourous styles thanks to a top resource. Want to read about dozens of fresh updo styles? Click here for my top 25 updos